Our University Once Again Wins the First Prize in Science and Technology Awards of Shaanxi Province
Time:2024-04-24      Author:      Click:[]

Recently, the People's Government of Shaanxi Province issued the Decision on the 2023 Science and Technology Awards of Shaanxi Province(Shaanxi Government Document [2024] No. 34). Our university has won a total of 3 relevant awards.

The research team led by Professor Pan Hongge won the first prize in the field of natural sciences for his achievement in the “Fundamental Research on High Energy Density, Long Life, and Compatible Lithium-ion Battery Electrode Materials”. Our university has won the first prizes in science and technology of Shaanxi Province for three consecutive years, ranking top among the universities in Shaanxi province. Moreover, the team led by Professor Dai Zhonghua won the second prize in the field of natural sciences for his achievement in the “Energy Storage, Piezoelectric Performance Optimization, and Mechanism Research of Ferroelectric Materials”. Furthermore, the team led by Associate Professor Zhu Shengbo won the third prize for technological progress for his achievement in “Molecular Engineering and Device of New Display Key Materials”.